Since 1997 Developmind Consulting Group, under the SWITCH Change Management methodology, has successfully accompanied multiple companies in the United States, Mexico, Central and South America.
SWITCH Change Management empowers organizations and individuals to manage change more easily, more effectively and with the best results through a methodological framework that can be scalable to any type of project and company.
SWITCH Change Management has been directly recognized by various groups as the best methodology for knowledge transfer in organizational development and coaching for teams that manage change, including some of the largest companies in the world.
These companies have selected SWITCH Change Management as “The Best of the Best methodology” for change management.

SWITCH Model for Organizational Change
The SWITCH® Model provides a series of action-oriented steps to take control of change. An effective control of Change Management requires a very precise follow-up in the 6 Blocks that make up the base of the SWITCH® Model. The people and/or organizations that make successful changes are based on the creation and management of Sight, Will, Involvement, Taking Actions, Constancy and Halo Effect.
Sight (Consciousness) is the need for change.
Will (Motivation) to participate and support the change.
Involvement (Resources) development of skills and abilities for change.
Taking Actions (Execution) to implement the behaviors and skills of change.
Constancy (Constancy) to maintain the change.
Halo Effect to build the new culture and competencies around change.
SWITCH® Model users have a change deliverable orientation that enables them to have successful transitions and achieve change outcomes.